Numerical modelling of marine ice sheets
Frank Pattyn 教授
2024.3.25 15:00-16:30
Zoom会议(ID: 960-028-17580)

报告人:Frank Pattyn(比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学 教授)

时间:2024.3.25 15:00-16:30




Frank Pattyn is a glaciologist/ice-sheet modeller and director of the Laboratoire de Glaciologie of the ULB. His research focuses on improving projections of the contribution of large ice sheets (especially Antarctica) to future sea-level rise. He developed a number of ice-sheet models, such as the Blatter-Pattyn model, capable of simulating the behaviour of fast-flowing ice streams and ice flow across subglacial lakes. He is also actively involved in a series of Ice-Sheet Model Intercomparison Projects (ISMIP), such as ISMIP-HOM, ISMIP-HEINO, MISMIP, MISMIP3D, and ABUMIP. He is currently Chairman of the Belgian National Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR delegate) and Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Glaciology.


The concept of MISI, first proposed 40 years ago (Weertman, 1974; Thomas and Bentley, 1978), provided a basis to hypothesize a possible collapse of West Antarctica as a consequence of anthropogenic global warming (Mercer, 1978). MISI theory was however disputed by observations of an apparently balanced ice sheet, but that was before several ice shelves collapsed in the Antarctic Peninsula, leading to increased glacier discharge (Scambos et al, 2004), and glaciers started to retreat in the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE; Rignot, 1998; Wingham et al, 1998; Shepherd et al, 2002). Schoof (2007) gave a mathematical formulation of the MISI theory put forward by Weertman (1974), dispelling the idea that ice sheets and ice shelves are mechanically uncoupled. Here we demonstrate how numerical models can represent MISI through a series of tests that clearly show that spatial resolution is key to resolve grounding line migration in ice sheet models.