How to Write a Scientific Paper / Part II
Jürgen Oberst 教授
2024.10.10 13:30-14:30

报告人:Jürgen Oberst(德国柏林工业大学 教授)




This lecture will introduce selected international journals for publications in Geosciences and Space Sciences. Which of the journals are suited for different manuscript types - and what do the journals’ “Impact Factor” and “Cite Index” mean? How long will it take until my article is published - and how much will it cost? Also, the lecture will introduce some of the modern online information systems and repositories of papers, such as the “Harvard Abstract Service” and “Web of Science”. How can I search for papers on specific topics in clever ways? How can I check on my own publication statistics. What exactly is the “h-index”? At the end of the lecture, there will be time for questions and answers.


Prof. Jürgen Oberst received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989. He is Chair of Planetary Geodesy at the Technical University Berlin, involved in various camera - or Laser altimeter experiments on space missions, such as Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Express, BepiColombo, and JUICE. His interests include the modeling of the orbits, shape, rotation, and interior structures of planets and their satellites, asteroids and comets.